PRE-SITE SCOPING A brief site visit informs a desktop assessment of the likely avifaunal presence and potential impacts on the local bird population. It also guides the design of site-specific survey and monitoring protocols. This initial step is critical for ensuring accurate data collection and minimizing ecological disturbances during subsequent surveys.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Pre-construction monitoring involves a full assessment of the significance of likely environmental impacts and available mitigation options. This assessment is based on the results of systematic and quantified monitoring of local ecosystems, including avifauna and habitats. This phase is essential for identifying potential risks and ensuring that appropriate mitigation measures are implemented before construction begins.

POST CONSTRUCTION - LIVE BIRD MONITORING Repetition of pre-construction monitoring, combined with the collection of mortality data, will enable a comparative analysis of ecological impacts before and after construction. This data will be used to refine mitigation measures and ensure effective environmental management.

POST CONSTRUCTION - BIODIVERSITY MONITORS Biodiversity Monitors are appointed and trained in accordance with international best practice guidelines for bird and bat monitoring. They are provided with the required search protocols, and close contact is maintained with the team to ensure all monitoring objectives are met. This approach ensures high-quality data collection and supports effective biodiversity conservation efforts.

SHUTDOWN ON DEMAND Shutdown on Demand is a key mitigation measure for operational wind energy facilities (WEFs), ensuring low species-specific mortality. Trained employees are stationed at vantage points near turbines to detect and radio to shut them down when a protected or endangered species is observed in close proximity. This effectively prevents collisions with the turbines and demonstrates a commitment to balancing renewable energy production with biodiversity conservation.

ASSISTING WITH STATIC BAT MONTORING Including conducting transect surveys, installing and maintaining acoustic detectors, performing regular data downloads, and setting up bias trails to ensure data accuracy and reliability. Contributed to the collection and organization of field data to support ecological research and bat conservation efforts.